Based on the information you gathered in the previous two phases you will now start translating the needs from the skills ecosystem into concrete actions, the propositions of your Center of Vocational Excellence.

The activities can be categorized in six so-called building blocks for public-private partnerships.

Credits: We are Katapult

Outcomes of this phase are:

  • A list of needs, translated into concrete propositions and activities
  • An overview of the key resources and partners needed to execute those activities

Tools to use:

Phase 1: Collecting ingredients for the Center of Vocational Excellence
Phase 2: Developing your Business Model Canvas and empathy mapping
Phase 3: Start working on the proposition of your Center of Vocational Excellence & define building blocks
Phase 4: Matching your activities with your target groups
Phase 5: Development of your Center of Vocational Excellence
Phase 6: Continue developing your Business Model Canvas
Phase 7: Peer reviews

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