The scanning of Vocational Excellence has the aim to identify the existing systems of Vocational Excellence in the water sector of the participating partner organisations in order to prepare the knowledge sharing process between the partners. The purpose of the scan is to assist VET providers and their stakeholders within the triple helix of the water technology sector in (further) integrating Vocational Excellence in their organisations policy and operation and embedding Vocational Excellence closely in the regional innovation ecosystems.

Vocational Excellence Scanning – methodology and tools

By executing a the scan on all different aspects of Vocational Excellence regions can determine their status quo on Vocational Excellence, showcase their best practise and at the same time determine areas of improvement. Download the methodology and tools here if you want to engage in the Platform of Vocational Excellence Water.

Scanning methodology
Tool 1
Pestle Scan
Tool 2 –
Triple helix position
Tool 3 –
Questionnaire for

The Vocational Excellence scanning methodology includes 3 main steps.

The initial stages of the strategy requires organizations to learn more about the region and
organization’s that influence or
engage with the water industry.

To build upon the detail established about each region using tool 1, tool 2 will clearly show the areas where the links can be made or how strong they are where they do exist between Business, Education, Research & Technology.

The questionnaires will enable further analysis of the partner organisations internally and externally, creating partnerships that support the Vocational Excellence Centres.

The 5 completed Vocational Excellence Skills and Competence gaps and progression routes.

The regions of the PoVE Water partnership have conducted the Vocational Excellence scans and indicated the areas of development. Based on these scans, partners were able to take full advantage of the learning processes of the transnational partnership and make the first step towards becoming a true Platform of Vocational Excellence for the Water sector. The Vocational Excellence scans allowed the partners to detect their optimal ‘learning partners’ and ‘learning pathways’, placing them in the ideal situation for development towards a Centre of Vocational Excellence for the water sector and being at the forefront of research and technological developments in the water sector. The Vocational Excellence scans formed an important first step towards embedding their CoVE’s Water in the regional innovation ecosystems evolving around the topic water and thus drive innovation in water related VET education forward. Based on the Vocational Excellence scanning tools, all partners were able to identify the water sector skills and competence gap for their own country and also determine progression routes for their regional COVE Water, so that they can move forward in their ambition of creating Vocational Excellent Water sector professionals.

Comparative analysis of the Vocational Excellence scans

During the PoVE Water project, activity coordinator Glasgow Clyde College (GCC) conducted a comparative analysis of the Vocational Excellence scans and determined which partners could form ‘learning couples’. Based on the PESTLE Context scan, Triple helix position and questionnaires completed by the regional stakeholders of the partners, GCC made connections between partners based on learning points and points of excellence.

Vocational Excellence Scanning –
comparative analysis

With the Platform of Vocational Excellence Water project reaching it’s half way point, we reflect on the work done so far developing the Centers of Vocational Excellence Water in our partner countries. The first important step was to create a close understanding of the skills ecosystem of the water sector in each country, and gaining intimate knowledge about the economic and societal needs. By making a so called context scan of each country involved, we have provided a strong basis to build the Centers of Vocational Excellence Water on. The partners in the Platform of Vocational Excellence have taken the following steps over the last year.

Knowledge sharing workshops

Based on the comparative analysis of the Vocational Excellence scans of the regions, GCC made connections between partners based on learning points and points of excellence. In addition and based on the result of the analysis, knowledge sharing workshops were organised.

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 11 reviews
 by Panagiotis

excellent job

 by Jesse

Works nice

 by Rudolf

Great tool

 by Sandis

thank you, the tools are brilliant!

 by Nicky


 by Michael

Thank you, interesting!

 by Paolo

interesting tools, thanks

 by Margaretha Weidema

Great Project!

 by Panagiotis Corti

great job

 by Erna

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