May 2020
As a result of the outcomes of the Vocational Excellence scanning partners executed in the first half year of the project, a knowledge sharing workshop on the Business Model Canvas was organised. All partners reflected on the outcomes of each other scans and made suggestions on how to address the challenges identified.
Mirjam Korstanje from Katapult gave an introduction to Business Canvas Model and assisted the partners in completing their canvas.
Mirjam Korstanje, Katapult, NL: ‘BMC is for the project Platform of Vocational Excellence Water particularly important as it creates a common language where partners can share knowledge, compare and further develop their national Centre of Vocational Excellence Water’.
Mirjam asks about why the partners want to develop their Public-Private Partnership.
David Innes adds that PoVe Water is also relevant because of the importance of continuous education and development in the workforce. Mutual benefits for the partners.
Edwin Zammit, MCAST, MT: ‘One of our biggest challenges and common factor that unites us on Malta is the lack of freshwater resources on the island. It is incredibly important to invest in talent and education to provide good and safe water for all.’
Bret Skacel, CREA Hydro and Energy, CZ: ‘Our water companies are missing skilled people. In addition, a problem is that there is a lack of young people interested in the water related educations. That is why the PoVE Water project is especially important to us. PoVE Water also helps us to influence public stakeholders and draw their attention to the importance of Water related education and the need to invest in this’.
Jānis Rubulis, RTU, LV: ‘The water sector is critically needed for society. People and youth seem to forget it and youth in Latvia seem to to want to work for the Water Industry’.
After a short break Mirjam continues with an introduction on BMC. Partners use the Mentimeter to complete the canvas. After every section the partners have a discussion on the topic.
Pablo Micallef, Water Services Cooperation, MT: ‘What we as a utility would require are people from various sectors, ranging from engineers to project managers. Skilled workers are not easy to find. We want to make the industry sexy so we can attract young professionals and make the water sector a preferred sector to work for. This should be the mantra of the Centres of Vocational Excellence Water’.
The knowledge sharing workshop resulted in a first draft of the Business Model Canvas for all regions, which would form the basis for futher development of all CoVE Water.
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