The Pilot PoVE Water project is half way its duration. In the project, the focus has been on comparing the way the partnership works with Water industry stakeholders and the position all partner organisations have in the respective regional triple helix and innovation ecosystem. So far, the partnership has conducted the Business Model Canvasses for the development of the respective Centers of Vocational Excellence Water starting with designing a common Platform.
On Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September 2020, the international project group of the Platform of Vocational Excellence (PoVE) Water met online. The original idea was to host the partnership, together with teachers and students, in Leeuwarden and to experience a project week on Water together. Unfortunately, this was not possible due to the current COVID measures. Instead, images have been shared online of what such a week could look like and if the measures allow, implement this joint week as soon as possible. There was a positive response.
The goal of this meeting was to strengthen the partnership, to discuss the next steps and share ideas for the follow-up of the project. This is very closely related to the WP5 activities, which refers to the platform development (online and offline) coordinated by MCAST.
The meeting also focused on making PoVE Water more sustainable. With the given 2 years for this project phase, a first foundation is laid. Given the enthusiasm of the collaborating partners, they all want to continue with the PoVE but still need support. For this we want to submit a new application under the Erasmus+ program. In the online session we digitally brainstormed about various new project ideas.
In the first months of this project, an inventory was made of which courses and teaching materials are available for sharing. MCAST Malta has developed a digital platform that is ready in concept and can be used for sharing developed materials. In addition to documents, presentations, and videos, this also offers the possibility to share VR-like applications.
In addition to the program, attention was also paid to all regions. Each region presented in its own way what makes the region so special. Now that it is not live for a while, it is nice to admire this digitally… And we hope to be able to meet soon again.
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