On December 3, fourth-year students Mileu&Water of MBO Life Sciences in Leeuwarden had a guest lecture on the Environment Act, led by Toon Meun, Project Manager Environment Act Wetterskip Fryslân, Dutch waterboard. This was followed, on 10 December, by a serious game about the Environment Act in which the students were asked questions, statements and practical situations to assess. An interactive way to become familiar with the various aspects of the Environment Act and to think ‘in the spirit of the Environment Act’.
After the Christmas vacations, second-year students of Environment & Water will also follow the guest lecture and the serious game. A nice incidental circumstance is that Wetterskip Fryslân also wants to organize this next year for its own employees. Students from MBO Life Sciences will act as test subjects.
The Environment Act is a simplification of dozens of Dutch laws and hundreds of regulations in the field of living environment, by combining them into one law. The Environment Act is expected to enter into force on January 1, 2022.

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