What do you do with a newly discovered watercourse in a residential area?

Tuesday 16 November was the day! The makathon started. Students from MBO Life Sciences from Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, together with teachers and the water board Wetterskip Fryslân, went to the Biosintrum in Oosterwolde to work on a climate issue. Questions such as ‘How can the water from a newly discovered watercourse in Drachten be processed without having to drain away via the sewers?” were investigated. The makathon was organised together with Wetterskip Fryslân.

After a guided tour in Drachten, the students went to work in the Biosintrum. They studied the case and were offered background theory. Besides working on a real assignment for Wetterskip Fryslân, the students also learned how to pitch an idea and a prototype briefly and concisely to the client. MBO Life Sciences will continue working on the climate issue within their project office in the coming weeks.


A makathon is a large ‘brainstorm’ about a number of central questions with representatives from the professional field and education. Wetterskip Fryslân faces many challenges in the field of climate change. With this makathon, the Wetterskip wants to give insight into the tasks of the water board and to look for new ideas to carry out these tasks even better. By tackling these challenges together with students from intermediate vocational education, surprising and innovative ideas emerge that the Wetterskip can work on further.

The makathon will be continued in the spring of 2022.


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