The Platform of Vocational Excellence Water (PoVE Water) project kick-off partner meeting took place on the 21-22 January 2020 in Brussels. The project intends to create the infrastructure necessary to embed vocational excellence in the water sector in Europe, thus laying the grounds for vocational curriculum development and consequently competence development of VET students.

The Brussels meeting started with a welcome message by Pieter Hoekstra, the project coordinator from CIV Water.

Nicola Murray from Glasgow Clyde College, in charge of WP3 introduced the Vocational Excellence scan exercise. The purpose was to showcase the partners’ best practise and determine areas of improvement. The WP3 intends to reflect where the opportunities for learning are by doing a PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental) and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.

Taking this into account, partners made an exercise for updating their collaborations with Government, regional authorities, industry and educational institutions with regards the water sector management in their countries. After discussing these relationships, all partners concluded by answering some questions depending on the type of organization they are (education or business) and reflecting what are the aims of is each one taking part in this PoVE water.

Sanne Ligthart from CIV Water presented the PoVE Water project website.

Water centres of excellence in Africa

Murray Biedler from UNESCO Liaison Office Brussels introduced the ‘’Water centres of excellence in Africa’’, an initiative of NEPAD and part of the AU Institution. The mission is to reach a sustainable capacity development in the water sector and as a long-term goal, the creation of NEPAD in Central/Eastern Africa and strengthen institutional networking. EHCDP (Environmental Health and Communicable Disease Prevention) aimed at addressing junior professional and technician level capacity challenges in the water sector. This is experience is a showcase of what in other countries are already working on and sharing knowledge among different stakeholders is one of the main goals of the PoVE Water pilot project.

Last part of the meeting was held by Valentina Chanina from EfVET, in charge of WP8 – Dissemination. EfVET in collaboration with the other partners will use various resources to disseminate project outputs, activities and achieve their exploitations.

The last day was dedicated to the discussion of the EU Water Week planning and the involvement of regional stakeholders.

The next project meeting will be host by the Scottish partners Glasgow Clyde College.


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